Accendino S.T. DUPONT MegaJet

In magazzino: 1 disponibili
Dettagli del prodotto
UPC: 3597390263865
Accendino S.T. DUPONT MegaJet

line: MegaJet
material: Chromium Laquer Shiny Chrome and Shiny Red
flame: Torch
dimensions: 7,3x1,6x4cm
weight: 103 gr

MEGAJET is the new Classic lighter of St Dupont , it will satisfy anycigar smokers seeking performance, efficiency & lighting quickness.With its minimalist design, tall size and large flat flame, MEGAJET red is the perfect combinaison of ergonomics and technology. Powerful Blue flame

Large Flat Flame, 20 mm
3 air inlet with active Charcoal
Ergonomic size

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Accendino S.T. DUPONT MegaJet
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